A family affair

Welcome to CasualTee, where fashion meets family! Founded in 2023 by Daniela, a Mexican-Australian mum with a flair for design, our brand is rooted in the vibrant streets of Melbourne. Daniela's journey in fashion began as a personal passion, a way to express her unique blend of cultural influences and creative vision. She believes deeply that fashion is not just about clothing; it's a canvas for expression, a way to tell the world who you are and what you stand for.

At CasualTee, we extend this philosophy to the whole family, making fashion a collective experience. Daniela's passion for design is a family affair, enthusiastically shared with her kids who are often the inspiration behind our playful and expressive collections. Each piece we create is designed with the hope of bringing families together through the joy of fashion, providing stylish, comfortable clothing that supports every individual's right to express themselves. Join us on this colorful journey and let your personality shine through every piece you wear!